Kiwanis Youth Camp 2022 in Zuoz, Oberengadin

Das Kiwanis Youth Camp 2022 fand vom 24. – 30. Juli 2022 in Zuoz im Oberengadin statt. Der KC St.Moritz Oberengadin engagierte sich als Gast KC.  

25 Jugendliche aus Deutschland, Italien, Rumänien und der Schweiz verbrachten eine erlebnisreiche Woche.

Mit Workshops, geführten Wanderungen, Besichtigungen und Diskussionen stand täglich ein bestimmtes Thema im Zentrum:

  • Local, national, international
  • Natural and man-made Engineering
  • Crisis and Resilience
  • Preserving
  • Climate Change and Friday for Future

Die Worte von Dora-Alexandra Iatan aus Rumänien:


Diversity, equality, inclusion. These are the key words that dominated our entire camp, the values we learned and carried back to our country. Three words coming to life through us, flesh and bones, action and feelings. Solid principles born from liquid emotion, materialized in projects, ideas, in decisions… However, if I had to choose one word to sum up the entire camp, I would rather opt for a slightly more abstract, larger term… for „opportunity“. Kiwanis Youth Camp was my opportunity for cultural exchange, improving English and applying leadership concepts. It was my opportunity to meet new perspectives and human mentalities. Germans, Italians, Romanians, Swiss, we are all different, all the same. I can’t forget our discussions about green energy, education, war, life and death, our common desire to do good. Those words were lost in the murmur of the rivers, buried in the depths of a lake, for eternity hidden in the little chambers of our hearts. I think I just can’t forget my friends. Also unforgettable are the secrets of a successful business. Every day we visited some Swiss companies, both local and international, learning about their strengths and weaknesses, about organization and uniqueness. But the cultural exchange overshadowed everything. Dances, songs, traditional food, each of us proud of his own nationality, each curious to discover a new one. Diversity, equality, inclusion, these are the words I have to say!»

Diese eindrückliche Woche konnte nur dank grosszügiger finanzieller Unterstützung in Form von Spenden der Kiwanis Foundation, von Kiwanis International Europe, dem Kiwanis Childrens’ Fund sowie 25 Kiwanis Clubs und 7 Privatpersonen durchgeführt werden.